If your company or organization would like a workshop or facilitation to help you understand sustainability or how to ensure tourism is more balances or even get you started on the journey, please contact Rachel directly to discuss.
Dr. Rachel Dodds has been invited to speak globally on the topic of sustainable & regenerative tourism, innovation, overtourism, destination development, tourism planning and development and how to rethink and reframe traditional views. Please contact Rachel directly to discuss rates and availability.
Some select speaking engagements include but are not limited to:
Keynote speaking:
- ‘Balancing Choices: people, planet and profit’ Northern BC Tourism Summit, Prince George, Oct 2024
- ‘Sustainable Tourism- Environmental Responsibility and Ecological Transition’, Tourism, the State of the Art, Tenerife, Spain, June, 2024
- ‘Tourism, vulnerability and resilience in islands’ SEAMA Conference, March 2023
‘Being more responsible travellers – what we can learn from our children’ Shiftin Festival, Nov 2022
- ‘Rethinking tourism: who, how & why?’: Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Nov, 2022
- ‘Surviving or Thriving’ CASSINI Hackathons: (Re)Visit Europe Launch Event, April, 2022
- ‘Thriving or surviving in Covid Recovery’ Northern Ireland Masterclass. Nov, 2021
- ‘Asking tourists to come or telling them to go away?’ Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC), Namur, Belgium, Sept 2019
- ‘Jobs & the Visitor Economy: What does this mean for educators?’ Tourism Educators Conference, Courtney, Canada. May, 2019
- ‘Measuring success’. Central Counties Tourism Association Annual Conference, Ontario, March, 2019
- ‘Towards sustainable tourism. What does success look like?’ Tourism Lillehammer Annual Conference, Lillehammer, Norway, February 2019
- ‘Overtourism or thriving tourism?’ Canadian Inbound Tourism Association (Asia Pacific) (CITAP) Winter Function, Richmond, Canada 2018
- ‘Sustainable tourism marketing: what tourism does well… and doesn’t.’ BEST EN Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2018
- ‘Challenges and opportunities for nature based tourism’, Aktiba Tu: Conference on Nature and Sustainability in Tourism, Tolosa, Spain, 2018
- ‘Is the Golden Goose Running out of Eggs?’, Skal North American Congress, Toronto, Canada, 2017
- ‘Rethinking tourism: heritage & sustainability’ 6th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (6th ICSUSL2017), Kandi, Sri Lanka, 2017
- ‘The future of travel: it’s not just about sustainability, it’s about creating value’ BOOKING.com Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2016
- “Are you missing out on the new ‘eco’ consumer”, Tourism Whistler, Whistler, Canada, 2010
- “Sustainable Tourism and the Future” Georgian College Career place Expo, Barrie, Canada, , 2007
- “Achieving Sustainable Tourism in Malta: A Multi-Stakeholder View” Sustainable Tourism in Islands & Small States, Malta, 2006
- “The Nature of Ecotourism” Birdlife Forestry Task Force Bulgaria, 2005
- ‘Sustainable Urban Tourism’ (SUT Governance), Heidelberg, Germany, 2003
- World’s First Urban Ecotourism Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 2001
Other invited speaking engagements
- ‘Who is leading the way in destination management?’ TIABC annual conference, Vancouver, March 5-7, 2025
- ‘Navigating the complexities of sustainable tourism: Transitioning from volume to value in tourism performance measurement’, Sisimiut II Conference, Charlevoix,, Canada Oct, 2024
- ‘Do Consumers Actually Pay for More Sustainable Products?’ MUSE Sustainable Events Meet Up. April, 2022
- ‘Destination Repositioning: Global best practices’ Regional Tourism Organization 1, Jan, 2021
- ‘Sustaining the tourism industry: Global risks and mitigation’ Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), Oct, 2019
- ‘Sustainable Tourism Issues’ European Investment Bank October Days, 2019
- ‘Overtourism: is this our future?’ Ryerson University, Speaker Series 2019
- ‘Tourism’nomics’ Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC), Ottawa, Canada, 2018
- ‘Taking Care of the Golden Goose’. Destination Marketing Association of Canada (DMAC) General Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 2018
- ‘Overtourism: the supersize effect?’, Nottingham University Travel Cultures Network, Nottingham, UK, 2018
- Co-Chair, IMPACT Sustainability Conference, Victoria, Canada 2018
- ‘What is Canada sustaining’, IMPACT Sustainability Conference, Victoria, Canada, 2018
- ‘The future of sustainable travel’. NET Impact Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2017
- ‘Myths of sustainable tourism’,Tourism Industry Association of Canada Tourism Congress, Ottawa, Canada, 2016,
- ‘Greening your Festival’ Festival and Events Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2016
- ‘Sustainable business and the Boating Industry’. Boating Ontario Annual Conference, Huntsville, Canada, 2015
- ‘Greening your business’. Tourism Industry Association of Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2015
- ‘Greening of Festivals’, Ontario Folk Music Association Annual Conference, Orillia, Canada, 2015
- Sustainability of Festivals, Vestlandsforsking Research Institute, 2015, Sogndal, Norway
- ‘Economic Impact of Beaches’, Blue Flag Workshop, Barrie, Canada, 2014
- Sustainable Travel: Does the Tourist Care? Blue Ocean Business Summit, 2014,
- “Is There a Willingness to Pay for Sustainability”, Coastal Seminar Series, United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada, 2011
- ‘Climate Change and Tourism’ ATTA Summit, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada, 2009
- ‘Climate Change and Tourism’ Conference Board of Canada’s Leaders Roundtable on Climate Change Adaptation (LRCCA), Toronto, Canada, 2009.
- ‘The Sustainable Advantage: Creating Social and Environmental Value’ Ecotourism / Sustainable Tourism Panel, Wharton Business School NET Impact Conference. Pennsylvania, USA, 2008
- ‘Sustainable Tourism & Climate Change’ TIAC Policy Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2008
- ‘Climate Change – How it Affects Your Business’ Ontario Ministry Marketing Summit. Ottawa, Canada, 2007.
‘Global Business Summit’ UN Global Compact and UNEP, Singapore, 2007
- ‘Sustainable Tourism: What is it?’ Google Head Office, London, UK, 2006
- ‘Tourism & Biodiversity’ Biodiversity science that matters. Dutch Presidency meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS), 2004
- ‘Creating a Framework for Tourism Policy and Destination Management’ World Tourism Organization, Washington, USA, 2004
- ‘Sustainable Mass Tourism In Coastal Destinations’, Rimini, Italy, 2003
- World Congress IATOS (International Adventure Travel and Outdoor Show) Chicago, USA, 2002