
Are you being environmentally and socially responsible?

Determine your level of responsibility as an organization
by asking yourself these questions?


  • Do you invest in the area where your business operates? E.g. does any profit go back to the local community where you operate to help preserve and protect the area where your customers visit?
  • Do you contribute to the preservation of resources which your company uses?
  • Do you hire local staff? What sort of training do you have for your staff?
  • Do you source your supplies locally to support your local community?
  • Do you have a supply-chain policy for fair trade and equity?


  • Do you take responsibility for damage to the environment by your potential use (e.g. use of water in a dry area,
    use of energy efficient measures, etc.).
  • What conservation/reduction measures are you undertaking for water, waste and energy?
  • Do you benchmark yourself against other companies in terms of environmental performance?
  • Do you offer incentives for your staff to carpool or use public transport?
  • Do you offer such alternatives to your guests?
  • Do you provide your staff with information, tips and training on how to be more environmentally responsible
    (which will save the company money at the same time)?
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle? How do you reduce waste, water and energy? Do you print on recycled paper, use biodegradable ink? Do you recycle in your office?
  • Do you plant indigenous species of trees or shrubs in your areas? Do you try to conserve water by having dual flush toilets and other measures?
  • Do you have an environmental policy which you adhere to?
  • If you offer tours – what size are your tour groups? Travelling in groups of small numbers has less impact on the flora and fauna in an area than having hundreds of people visiting a destination at once.


  • Do you make suggestions to your clients to purchase local products to support the local community?
  • Do you make sure you do not purchase products made from endangered species? Do you act responsibly and provide such guidance to your clients/guests e.g. pre/post departure information?
  • Do you support any local projects e.g. donating a percentage of your profits to wildlife protection or social causes?
  • Do you inform your clients of cultural or religious issues where they should be considerate of their hosts?
  • Do you make sure than none of your suppliers exploit children or have break human rights conduct?


By asking yourself and your employees these questions, you are already moving to being more conscious and aware of your environment. If you would like expert and practical help setting and obtaining goals, please contact us.